So much of my time is tragically taken up by my day job, which causes a lot of stress! Check out this link to see all the great ways that knitting and crocheting is great for your mental health:
PLUS follow that link for a BONUS PATTERN. My favorite thing I've made this month: a lemon stress ball!
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PLUS follow that link for a BONUS PATTERN. My favorite thing I've made this month: a lemon stress ball!
It's not quite as dramatic as Call the Midwife, but just as fun! Come by with a project you're working on that you need some guidance or a refresher, and I'll be on hand to help you out. Just $5, it's a great way to finish up a project from another class or work on one of your voluminous WIPs. (Is that just me?) It's informal and a lot of fun!
Just in time for Spring clutch season! 6-8pm on April 21 at Michaels. Sign up in the store (7000 John Davis Drive, Frankfort KY) or at All you need to bring is a ball of Vanna's Choice or something similar in size and yardage, and a size I crochet hook.